Thursday, February 8, 2018

Through Wolf's Eyes Age is Only a State of Mind

Through Wolf's Eyes Age is Only a State of Mind

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People age 50 and older make up around one third of the US population and 76% of the nation's wealth. Aside from facing a dwindling Social Security fund and rising retirement age, there's an even bigger threat that plagues the elderly population of the United States: Isolation.
Investor, consultant, public speaker, and philanthropist Gregory Wolf is raising awareness to this issue by introducing an engaging website, Through Wolfs Eyes . Gregory has over three decades of experience in the healthcare industry serving as the former CEO of Humana, Employers Health Insurance, Medical Card Systems, and as the former president of CIGNA Group Insurance. Now, he is creating something even more personal to him.

Through Wolfs Eyes will provide a social platform and periodical resource for seniors to gather the latest information on health and well- being. Using humor, storytelling, research, and inspirational messages, Wolf helps older Americans see opportunity and possibilities for their lives that will bring them greater joy and fulfillment.

Wolf also brings to this issue the cold truth about the general apathy senior citizens often face and reveals ways to find empowerment in a world that can seem to be moving too fast to keep up. Through Wolfs Eyes will connect seniors and share personal stories and information on issues affecting seniors. An additional unique aspect of the website will include advice and information culled from the TWE i-Generation staff writers (i-Generation = people born after 1994) in response to various questions posed by seniors who visit the site.

One inspiration for Wolfs project has been his very active father and mother (Ages 90 and 86 respectively) who helped to impart a sense of humor and outlook on life to their son. Wolf has said, They are both so mentally agile, and I have no doubt that a major contributor to their longevity is that they laugh every day, and they laugh a lot. Humor is such a great vessel to help me carry my messages to seniors. Wolfs website and public speaking is aimed at seniors, yet anyone with an elderly family member could benefit from his wisdom.

Americans access to quality healthcare and nutrition has provided the Baby Boomer generation with an unprecedented longevity bonus. We have the power to be and do so many fun, impactful things for ourselves, our friends, and our families. I want to be someone who helps people smile, hopefully laugh, and certainly enjoy every day of their life Wolf said.

Look through wolfs eyes, and see how much more there is to life.

Katrina Toporcer
Company: Through Wolfs Eyes
Address: 62 S Main St. Wilkes Barre PA 18701
Phone: 8777781749

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