Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Future Trends for Education in America

Future Trends for Education in America

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According to some futurists, our youth will be unprepared in science and math to compete successfully in the global economy by 2010 unless drastic changes to public education are undertaken now.

This is just one of the reasons why today's schools are implementing instructional coaches in the classroom, one of the fastest growing trends in education. The reason is because schools are faced with greater accountability than ever before and many school districts are seeking new methods of supporting professional development among teachers to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning.

Districts are using coaches to help implement reform and focusing on particular critical areas such as math, science and reading. These new methods are intended to support broad implementation of best practices in classrooms.

There are other trends in education that have started at grass roots level in communities such as Sunset Park, in Brooklyn, New York. In that community alone, more than 15,000 kids drop out of school every year.

One woman named Joyce Mattera founded a charity organization called Children of the City in 1981 to reach out to kids in the community. She organized a small group of volunteers and began visiting children weekly to assess their needs and invite them to various community programs, helping them via academic support, life skills training, family counseling, and even holiday dinners. Board members have helped the organization raise funds for this last year's Christmas gifts for more than 800 children.

Children of the City's Create Success program, which is constantly being evaluated for needs and even better success, is fast becoming a model sought after by other agencies for their own after school program sites.

High priority is placed on student's academic success with intense tutoring and daily personal homework help. They also provide students with counseling, and advocacy within the social systems such as courts, plus age-appropriate group and individual mentoring.

Trends in the future shape the future of educators and students worldwide. The future of America's education system, for example, according to futurist James Canton, is that "the quality of public education, in crisis today, will either propel or crash the future aspirations of the American workforce." He also predicts that education is failing to prepare skilled, high-tech-savvy workers.

There is also a rise in the hispanic population in this country. Many of the kids in Brooklyn, New York, for instance, come from hispanic families who cannot afford help when their kids are not doing well at school.

Thanks to communications and the Internet there is hope for the future of our educaiton system. The Internet should be available to all nations and people by the year 2040. By then futurists like Canton predict immediate, portable, transferable, in-demand knowledge sources on a scale equivalnet to the Library of Congress. It is number eight among the top ten trends of the new innovation economy of the future.

FTA (free to Air) Satellite Technology

FTA (free to Air) Satellite Technology

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Free-To-Air (FTA) is a television or radio broadcast, which is unencrypted. Mostly free-to-air programs are multilingual, no translation as specified earlier. Free to air is a technology that transmits satellite signals, which people may receive without need of registration. Mostly, free-to-air channels are broadcasted from worldwide sources and from small producers. FTA satellite programs are transmitted using large satellite dishes C-band or Ku Band, small satellite dishes and you will need a rotor, however, to receive more than one satellite channel. Free-To-Air Satellite Source offers satellite technology for free-to-air TV, and FTA receivers.

This type of programming is satellite signals that are broadcast through out the world that requires no subscription fee from the broadcasters to bring in the channels that operate in this manner. To support the channels by advertising or donations and government bodies to keep them free. Some of the new channels may be planning to charge subscription fees in the future days but they are free now and these channels are not encrypted so they can be received with no need for unscrambling. This type of programming is mainly often MPEG-2 which means Motion Picture Experts Group-2. It is a standard in which the signal is compressed to aid in the transmission. HDTV and DVD use this same compression and are of a very high quality. Most of these transmissions are in the Ku Band frequency range. The Ku band operates between 12 Ghz (Gigahertz) and 14 GHz that permits todays smaller dishes from 18 inches to 31 inches in diameter. Before the C band the Ku band was the first developed for satellite television, which operated between 3.4 Ghz and 7 Ghz. The first dishes required to pick up these early signals were 20 to 30 feet wide.

The equipment required for this is a receiver and dish that is dedicated only to picking up the free to air signals. If there are other paid programming channels desired a separate dish and receiver is utilized to pick up paid programming such as Dish Network or Direct TV. A computer can also be customized with a PCI card to pick up the FTA signals turning it into the receiver. This PCI card available requires the computer to be a Pentium 500 and have Windows 98SE or higher installed. The reason you cant use Direct TV or Dish Network dishes and receivers to pick up FTA channels at the same time on the same system is, Free To Air channels are weaker and require a minimum of a 30 dish and they use a different LNB or LNBF device in the dish itself. Paid channel dishes are normally 18 inches to 20 inches. The receivers are also different and paid channel receivers cant pick up the FTA channels. An LNBF is a Low Noise Block with an integrated feedhorn. After the signal is bounced off the dish it goes into the LNBF that amplifies the signal. Dual LNBF is for two television sets, For the FTA setup you should decide if you want a stationary dish or a motorized one. The motorized one will allow you to pick up many satellites giving maximum amount of channels.

Fluoroquinolones Receive Black Box Label By FDA

Fluoroquinolones Receive Black Box Label By FDA

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A group of antibacterial prescription drugs has recently been subject to a warning label increase by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The fluoroquinolone group consists of several various types of antibiotics that treat an array of bacterial infections.

The drug types within the fluoroquinolone family include:

* Levaquin (levofloxacin).

* Factive (gemifloxacin mesylate).

* Avelox (moxifloxacin HCL).

*Cipro XR and Proquin XR (ciprofloxacin extended release).

*Noroxin (norfloxacin).

*Floxin (ofloxacin).

*Cipro (ciprofloaxacin).

With the new labeling, the drugs will now carry a black box warning label, considered the strongest label given by the FDA. While no recall has been implemented, the dangers are becoming more apparent among the most common risk for the fluoroquinolone drugs which is Achilles tendonitis/tendon rupture.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation or irritation of the Achilles tendon. Individuals who have taken any of the fluoroquinolone prescription drugs, especially the more common Cipro, may be at risk for Achilles tendonitis, which often results in the tendon rupture or tear. If Achilles tendonitis does lead to a tendon/muscle tear, the chances for surgically operating to treat the tendon rupture are high. Cipro was associated with Achilles tendon rupture in a study published in Clinical Rheumatology in February 2004.

Because scientists and researchers are finding an increased risk of Cipro-related tendon rupture, it is important for any individual who has previously taken Cipro - even if it was anywhere from 1 week ago to 6 months, 2 years or prior - that the patient speak with a physician, especially if they are experiencing pain or swelling of their muscles.

Uses for Cipro

Cipro, is manufactured from Bayer A.G., and is one of the more commonly prescribed fluoroquinolone prescription drugs. It is used to fight the following bacterial infections as well as other bacterial condensations:

* Enterobacteriaceae.

* Vibrio.

* Haemophilus influenza.

* Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

* Neisseria meningitidus.

* Moraxella catarrhalis.

* Escherichia coli (E. coli).

* Mycobacterium intracellulare.

Cipro has also been approved to treat the symptoms of an anthrax attack.

Cipro Side Effects

In addition to the severe tendon rupture risk associated with taking Cipro, the prescription antibiotic has also been linked to other discomforting and painful side effects. According to Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, some of the additional side effects include:

* nausea.

* vomiting.

* stomach pain.

* vaginal itching/discharge.

* paranoia.

* nightmares or abnormal dreams.

* anxiety.

* indigestion.

* diarrhea.

* headache.

* nervousness.

* agitation.

While the previous side effects may seem as if there are average or normal when taking a prescription drug, Medline also included a list of several side effects that will require a patient to discontinue their use of Cipro immediately, as their health may be at risk. These more severe side effects are as follows:

* rash, blisters, hives or itching.

* tingling or swelling of limbs, face, neck, throat, lips, eyes or lower legs.

* loss of muscle strength.

* numbness.

* hoarseness.

* fainting.

* suicidal thoughts/tendencies.

* depression.

* hallucinations.

* seizures.

* confusion

* burning sensation, weakness of body.

* fever.

* joint or muscle pain.

* jaundice.

* double vision, dizziness.

* loss of energy, tiredness.

* easy bruising or bleeding of body.

* loss of appetite.

Preventing Harmful Cipro Risks

Individuals who have been adversely affected by the potentially harmful Cipro side effects are advised to contact an experienced pharmaceutical lawyer, as a Cipro attorney will be able to provide legal consultation and individual assistance for a lawsuit. The risks associated with Cipro are clearly dangerous and some may be life-long lasting side effects. In which case, an individual affected by the prescription drugms dangers should develop a pharmaceutical lawsuit to be reimbursed for the damages caused.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February Planets help you solve problems and improve your life

February Planets help you solve problems and improve your life

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Februarys planets help you solve problems and improve your life

My goal is to help people understand themselves and others better, solve their problems, improve their lives and prepare for their futures through astrological and Feng Shui counseling. My hope is that the following will help you create a life full of understanding, happiness and fulfillment.

There will be lots of good planetary energies happening this month. Dont waste them.

We can work with planetary energies. Remember that the old clich, Timing is everything, has merit.

If you are having problems with relationships or career matters, be sure to read the very last entry that starts, Feeling stuck

The following is information about where the planets will be during the month of February 2010. The positions of the planets will affect everyone to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon the persons individual birth and yearly astrological charts. (For more information about birth and yearly charts, please visit my Web site:

Be with friends, work toward goals and try new things January 20 through February 18
The Sun in Aquarius (with Mercury, Venus and Neptune part of the time in that sign, also) makes this a good time to be with friends and acquaintances and in groups of like-minded people. The Sun conjoins (is about 0 degrees from) Venus the first three days of the month, making it nice for your social life and buying clothes and expensive items. Not many people know it, but Aquarius is connected to hopes, goals and aims, so this is a good time to make and work toward goals. Aquarius is original and unpredictable, so try new ways of doing things.

Lots of energy from January 25 through February 2
The Sun opposes (is about 180 degrees from) Mars, bringing extra energy. Channel this energy wisely and you can accomplish much in a short period of time. Dont channel it wisely and you could be accident prone and argumentative.

Be creative February 3 through 7
Mercury sextiles (is about 60 degrees from) Uranus bringing opportunities for original, creative and unusual communications and travel. You have to create these opportunities; they are not likely to come knocking on your door. Mercury rules communication and travel. Uranus rules computers, technology and new ideas. Put them together and see what you come up with.

Get Rid of Clutter from 10:56 a.m. February 4 through 6:03 p.m. February 6
As a Feng Shui consultant, I am happy to tell you that the Moon in Scorpio is an excellent time to get rid of clutter in your homes, offices and lives. If you dont love it, need it or use it, get rid of it. Dont waste your energy on things that dont help you live the life you want. Of course, this refers to physical objects, but also refers to mental and emotional debris.

Great for hard work and study February 8 through February 16
Mercury trines (is about 120 degrees from) Saturn. This is a great time for work of all kinds, especially mental. Writers, stock up on paper. Students should work hard to achieve great results and good grades. Mars joins this planetary configuration and opposes (is about 180 degrees) from Mercury from the 9th to the 16th, adding even more planetary energy to getting work completed.

Pay attention to home and family until July 21
The second solar eclipse of last year occurred on July 21 at 29 degrees of Cancer and will continue to have an effect for about a year after that date. This indicates that people will have to spend more time and energy on home, family, dependency needs and security needs. These areas will be in a state of flux and will need more attention given to them. Take care of home repairs as soon as you can before they grow into larger problems. Many people will experience significant changes in their families. Devote more time to home and family to use this energy in a wise way.

Career highlighted until January 15, 2011
The first solar eclipse of 2010 occurred on January 15 at 25 degrees of Capricorn and will continue to have an effect for about a year after that date. This indicates that people will have to spend more time and energy on their connections with the outer world, which usually means career, status and reputation. Many people will experience changes in their careers. It is a great time to stop and think about what you really want in your connection to the outer world and career and then work toward making it happen.

Mercury retrograde affects you from December 26 until February 4, 2010
Under Mercury retrograde (in apparent backward motion through the signs of the zodiac as seen from the Earth), take extra care while communicating with others. Signing important contracts to buy expensive items, applying for or starting a new job, or sending a manuscript to a new publisher may come to naught, have to be redone, or be short-lived. If you travel when Mercury is retrograde, make allowances for changes in schedules and allow extra time to arrive.
Mercury also rules telephones, computers, printers, machines and cars, so have these checked out to do everything you can to have them in good running order.
Some people feel the effects of Mercury retrograde up to a week before Mercury actually goes retrograde. Many astrologers, including me, wait until Mercury is in the same degree of the zodiac, called the shadow point, as it was before it apparently went in backward motion, before they think the effects of Mercury retrograde are gone.

RetrogradeDecember 26, 2009 at 8:38 am CST
DirectJanuary 15, 2010 at 10:52 am CST
Out of ShadowFebruary 4, 2010 at 12:15 am CST

Lots of otherworldly energy February 11 through March 19
With Venus joining Jupiter and Uranus in the sign Pisces on February 11, and the Sun entering Pisces on February 19 through March 19, there is a heavy emphasis on the sign Pisces. Mercury joins them March 1 through March 17, adding more Piscean energy. Pisces has an affinity for the arts, spirituality and otherworldly matters. Some will take this time to zone out and not get much done. Others will use it for artistic and spiritual matters including serving others.

Not good for pursuits in the physical world, but good for spiritual and artistic pursuits from February 24 through March 2
Mercury conjoining Neptune brings confused and fuzzy thinking. This is not a good time to sign contracts or make major life decisions, as your judgment may be poor, or you may not have all the information you need. It is a good time for spiritual, psychic and artistic pursuits, including writing poetry, songs and fiction. It is also good for reading fiction and fantasy and attending movies and theater performances.

Report card time for relationships through April 7, 2010
Saturn, the Great Teacher, gives us grades to let us know how we are doing. As Saturn entered Libra, the sign of relationships and marriage, on October 29, where it will remain until April 7, 2010, Saturn will be letting us know how we have been handling our relationships. If we have chosen the people in our lives wisely and have been working on our relationships, we will feel happy with them. If our relationships are not what we would like for them to be, now is the time to decide if they are worth saving, and if they are, what we need to do to get them on a better footing. If adjustments are needed, now is the time to make them. Many people are reassessing how to be responsible to themselves, as well as to others. Some relationships will dissolve when people realize that they cannot be true to themselves and stay in particular relationships. Saturn can be the planet of loneliness. If you are lonely, you should get to work and find the relationships that you want. You may also want to spend time alone and think about why you are lonely. Have you been picking the wrong relationships? Have you been too eager to rush into relationships, ignoring warning signs?

Feeling blocked, stuck and frustrated through April 15, 2010
Saturn squares (is about 90 degrees from) Pluto, indicating necessary changes. The square means it probably wont be easy, but the square can also mean drive, energy and strength. Use this energy to work toward achieving what you want. For many people, this aspect will be the one that has the most influence on them this month. If you have points in your birth astrology chart in the first few degrees of a Cardinal signAries, Cancer, Libra and Capricornyou may be feeling the effects of this aspect strongly. Saturn squaring Pluto indicates there may be times of feeling like you are pushing a heavy object uphill with no end in sight. Saturn was exactly 90 degrees from Pluto on November 15 and will stay in square aspect with Pluto through April 15, 2010. Efforts seem difficult with little payoff. We have to keep plugging away, even though the progress seems slow.
This aspect has kept me incredibly busy as an astrologer with people having relationship and work-related problems. Saturn is in Libra, which is the sign that rules marriage and relationships. Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules career. Saturn is the planet that brings lessons to be learned. For many people it is one of the hardest planets to work with. It brings you exactly what you need to learn and it also will bring what you have earned. Pluto brings transformation.
The best way to get through this transit is to look realistically at what is going on in your life and make necessary changes. Are your relationships the way you want them to be? Are you happy with your career? If not, it is time to get busy and create them the way that will make you happy. It will be easier if you are thoughtful and take responsibility for your life. If you put in the work, make needed changes and are willing to transform yourself into a new and better you, this aspect can help you better your life and make it fit who you really are.

I hope this is beneficial to you. Let me know if I can be of any other help. Dianne Lawson 785/232-2836

Features And Specifications Of Edm 830

Features And Specifications Of Edm 830

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Aircraft Engine Data Monitoring (EDM) 830 is the latest in the series of EDMs manufactured by World leader in aircraft cockpit display systems and technologies. The Engine Data Management 830 system is perhaps the most advanced and accurate data acquisition and display system for piston engine machines on the market. Read on to know the features and specifications of the EDM 830 Aircraft Engine Data Monitoring System by J.P. Instruments.

With a TSO quality certification, the J.P. Instruments EDM 830 is a flight engineer, an aircraft maintenance manager and a flight data backup instrument all rolled into one single sleek and versatile unit. For the price that J.P. Instruments is asking for the EDM 830, there really is nothing that is even remotely close with matching features and specifications.

From the moment you take off and until you switch off the engines, the Aircraft Engine Data Monitoring (EDM) 830 is always there - working diligently and constantly monitoring your aircraft engine so you as the pilot can concentrate on just flying the plane. The EDM 830 monitors your engine parameters no less than 180 times a minute and will warn you instantly if any parameter exceeds the pre-programmed limit. And mind you as the pilot, you are free to programme the limits as you see fit.

Features and Specifications of the JPI 830 Aircraft Engine Data Monitoring System:

1.Four-inch diagonal LCD screen with multiple mounting orientations.
2.JPI is designed the EDM series to mount in a standard 3 and 1/8-inch hole but with the ability for the end-user to display the screen in any one of four different layouts
3.Easy upgrade - EDM 830 is designed to make it easy to upgrade from the older 700 and 800 series - simply unplug the older 700-800 series and plug in the new EDM 830!
4.No change of probes when upgrading from previous 700-800 series EDM.
5.Ability to add additional engine monitoring features at any time. The new EDM is your basic EDT and CHT Engine Monitor and comes in four six and even up to nine-cylinder packages.
6.You can now add additional Aircraft Engine Monitors features such as RPM oil temp or outside air temp could be added at any time.
7.The em1 11 EGT clamp type probe and the 5050T CHT threaded bayonet type probe are included in the box and allow the pilot to see EGT Gauges on the left scale in blue and CHT on the right scale in white.
8.EGT and CHT colours will change to a yellow or red if temperatures begin to exceed pre-set conditions.
9.You can now swap your single factory CHT Probes for the new m113 18-millimetre spark plug gasket probe at no extra charge.
10.The all new Aircraft Engine Data Monitoring series 830 will also provide you fuel used time and fuel remaining gallons per hour as well as GPS destination when connected to a GPS source and can be displayed in gallons.
11.The outside air temperature can be displayed both in Fahrenheit and Celsius with Fuel Flow Indicators rpm map and OAT the Electronic Data Management Systems can calculate percent horsepower as well temperature and Oil Temp Probes are shown in a bar graph format both units are simple to use and will automatically cycle or you can press the white step button to manually cycle each engine.
12.A black lean pine button is included that will allow you to select and obtain lean or rich of peak.
13.There is also a Keyspan USB port for updates and to obtain engine analysis data.

For more information, please visit the JPI website page here:

Famous People Who Were Born With Clubfoot

Famous People Who Were Born With Clubfoot

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You may be surprised to learn, but some famous celebrities and athletes were born with clubfoot, here are just a few!

Comedian/actor Damon Wayans is famous for starring in the TV show 'My Wife And Kids,' but he was also born with a clubfoot. He was reportedly teased as a child and learned to fend off putdowns, which later led him to stand-up comedy.

Another comic actor was born with a clubfoot is Dudley Moore, who starred in 'Arthur' and several other films; prior to that he was part of a comedy team with Peter Cook.

Superbowl MVP Troy Aikman played quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, but few people know that he had a clubfoot at birth and was in plaster casts until he was 8 months old, then he wore special shoes until he was 3 years old. Since then he has not suffered from any form of club foot.

Another pro football player, Charles Woodson, who played for the Oakland Raisers, was also born with a clubfoot, which was later corrected.

Top female athlete Mia Hamm was a member of the U.S. women's soccer team, which competed in the 1996 Olympics. Like Aikman and Woodson, her clubfoot was also treated at a young age.

Olympic champion Kristi Yamaguchi is a famous professional figure skater, but few know that her clubfoot was treated with serial manipulations and casting before she hit the ice and won the gold.

Most babies with clubfoot can be diagnosed before birth with a painless ultrasound. Studies show that 10% of clubfoot cases can actually be discovered in the fetus as early as 13 weeks. At 24 weeks into a pregnancy, about 80% of clubfoot cases can be found. The further along into pregnancy, the easier it is to see a clubfoot in an ultrasound. It is important to note that there is approximately a 20% false positive rate based on ultrasound diagnosis.

If a diagnosis of clubfoot is made before birth, then it's a good idea to talk to an orthopedic surgeon on how to fix your baby's clubfoot immediately after it is born. Once the baby is born, diagnosis of the clubfoot may also include an x-ray or a CT scan. This is done so that the doctor can see exactly how the foot's bones, ligaments and tendons are affected. Clubfoot in newborns is fairly easy to diagnose.

As these celebrities have shown, clubfoot can be corrected via the Ponseti Method, which has become the accepted first-line of treatment for clubfoot.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Eating the forbidden fruit

Eating the forbidden fruit

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I always find it fascinating that in one aspect, all adults act like obstinate children without being aware of it. We judge each other.

The only sermon I remember from my church-going days was about the Ten Commandments. The preacher had a revolutionary approach to them, in that he said that you do not HAVE to obey them. He said the real meaning was that you could ignore them, but then you would have to take full responsibility for your actions. That made sense to me.

I realized in later years that the first commandment in the Bible is actually "Thou shalt not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (Gen 2:9). I thought that means we must not for a moment think that we have the capacity to decide whether something or someone is good or evil.

Why is it that we are not allowed to eat this symbolical fruits? Is the world not a better place when we all agree on what is right and what is wrong? Surely we all have a moral compass that we apply every day, and that is some form of judgment?

I do not like being told what to do or not to so, so I became curious about this, and did some research about this magical tree.

Like most symbols in the Bible, it appears that this image of a tree with the forbidden fruit existed even before biblical times.

In Greek mythology the Garden of the Hesperides is the grove that belonged to the goddess Hera. When Hera accepted Zeus as her husband, the goddess Gaia gave Hera some branches with golden apples on. Hera planted the golden apples and the result was a grove of apple trees that gave immortality to those who ate the apples. The Hesperides were given the task of tending to the grove, but they occasionally plucked some of the apples for themselves. Hera did not trust them and added a guard to the garden. It was a never-sleeping, hundred-headed dragon named Ladon.

The same tree with forbidden fruit features in early Mesopotamian myths, going back as far as the year 669 BC. There is a myth about the Sumerian goddess Inanna who ate the fruits of a tree to acquire knowledge. She was joined by her brother Utu, the sun-god, and the Sumerian god Enki, the god of wisdom and knowledge.

There is a similar tree in Buddhism. The founder of Buddhism, later known as Gautama Buddha, sat under the Bodhi tree when he achieved enlightenment. This tree was a fig tree with heart shaped leaves.

In Hinduism the Tree of Jiva and Atman appears in the Vedic scriptures as a metaphysical metaphor concerning the soul.

The old Norse sagas also contain a famous tree, the World Tree, which is an ash tree. This tree is located at the center of the Universe and joins the nine worlds of the Norse cosmology.

Why are these symbolical trees so significant? And why is it so important not to eat their fruits, especially if eating the fruits of the tree will give us immortality and knowledge that will make life so much easier?

I think that eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is like breaking any one of the Ten Commandments - of course you can do it, but there are consequences that you must then live with.

Eating this fruit of knowledge and wisdom is exciting and inspiring, and it opens up a whole new life for us. However, there is no turning back, and that is why the fruit of this tree comes with a health warning. Once you understand that this existence is only a small part of the eternity called life, you tend to see life here in a different light.

We can still be irresponsible with our emotions, but we carry all of that with us for a very long time, and we become aware that these emotions are ours, not anyone else's. We can do whatever we want, but where we hurt other people, we carry that action and that knowledge in our cells for ever. And we cannot blame other people or circumstances for what we think, say and do, because we become aware that we are responsible for ourselves.

Eating of the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is then not about judging others. It is about growing up and accepting our own judgment of ourselves. That is the result of eating those fruits - we gain immortality in our own manner, and spiritually we are never the same again.

When we read that we must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is like saying to a child that it is not a good idea to drive a Ferrari racing car. Of course the child can drive the car, but what would be the consequences? Can the child deal with the consequences? But when the child is older, then it is so much easier to deal with the consequences, and then the adult can have fun driving the car.

Now that makes sense to me - and I understand why the tree bears "forbidden" fruit.

Early on my spiritual path, I was in a room where, during a reading, a spiritual teacher gave a very harsh warning to a man about playing with his own mental health because the man was adamant to become a medium even though he was clearly emotionally not stable. That stuck with me.

Does that mean that exploring our own spirituality is dangerous and we should not do it? On the contrary. We become our true selves when we explore who we really are, and we find joy and understanding. The warning is that we need to understand that we are dealing with something that is far greater than our human minds can conceive. We must not be greedy or try to run before we can walk. And we must understand that once we have taken on that responsibility, there is no turning back. We can no longer blame others for what happens to us, and we will never see the world in the same light again. But we will also experience indescribable joy and peace.

For some people things like clairvoyance and telepathy and energy work are second nature. For other people anything spiritual is like an awakening from a deep sleep. Nobody wants to awake from a deep sleep by means of an explosion. We want to slowly become conscious, then stretch out and leisurely open our eyes. And some people want to sleep on. We need to be patient with ourselves and one another.

I sometimes encounter fear and prejudice when I do readings for people - because I do not use tarot cards and I do not rely on the interpretation of any other cards. At least tarot cards and other cards have some entertainment value, but many people find the idea of just closing your eyes and "tuning in" scary. I have also encountered fear and prejudice that is so paralyzing that people avoid me and never explore the reasons for this behavior. How do I react? By loving them. It is not for me to "convert" people or to assume that everyone should share my beliefs - which are right for me now, but may change as I become more aware and awake.

This may be presumptuous, but I think I have had a tiny bite of the forbidden fruit, and I know there is no turning back. Of course you can take a bite yourself and experience the joy and peace and abundance, but are you ready for it? You will know in your heart of hearts and walk your own path.

Drive to Point Arena one of California's most scenic

Drive to Point Arena one of California's most scenic

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One of the Californias most scenic coastal drives is just a couple of hours north of San Francisco an enchanting coastal highway youll want to savor as you experience breathtaking scenery as well as many historical attractions from elaborate wooden forts to picture-postcard lighthouses.

The drive starts in Bodega Bay, just 22 miles through rolling hills from Petaluma and Highway 101. For us, Bodega always reminds us of the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds, which was, of course, was filmed at Bodega Bay. While its been nearly a half-century since Cary Grant was in town to make that movie, birds are still big business in Bodega.

You cant cross the street without some reminder that the movie was filmed there. The Tides Restaurant featured prominently in the movie now has a gift shop that has become a near-museum with its shelves and shelves of stuffed birds, Hitchcock posters, location photos and just about any kind of clothing you want emblazoned with some variation of Bodega Bay or "The Birds." Of course, no matter that the "real" restaurant burned down long ago and the replacement buildings bear no resemblance to those used in the movie.

What does remain is the same sleepy seaside village that appeared in the movie. Down at the Tides Restaurant, there still is a bit of the waterfront flavor seen in the movie. Fishing trawlers bring their fresh catch to a seafood company on the dock, and there are always plenty of barking sea lions hoping to dine on leftovers. In the movie, Tippy Hedron rented a small motorboat at this dock before motoring across the bay to her new boyfriends house.

About 20 miles north of Bodega is Jenner, a small coastal town with commanding views of the Russian River and the Pacific Ocean. Vacation rentals are popular in Jenner, and youll be tempted to stop at Goat Rock State Park, a photographers favorite with its views of the craggy rock towers that poke dramatically through the frothy waves.

About 12 miles north of Jenner, we stopped at Fort Ross State Historic Park, a well-preserved piece of California coastal history. One of the oldest parks in the state system, Fort Ross had its beginnings in 1812 when a party of 25 Russians joined with 80 native Alaskans to start construction of a fort including a stockade, blockhouses and several log buildings. They chose a relatively flat bluff overlooking the Pacific that offered plenty of space for Native American encampments that would sprout up alongside the fort.

Fort Ross was established as a California colony for the Russians, who could not grow enough food in Alaska to support themselves. Not only was this area a source of food, but also of sea otters which proved quite profitable for the Russians. Today, visitors can tour the buildings, some of which offer authentic displays with artifacts such as 19th Century musket rifles or household tools and other items actually used by the Russians. Out in the courtyard we noticed there were several real cannons we know they were real because Park Service employees were firing them off in a demonstration for a group of school children. The park, in general, is well worth the $6 per car admission.

Heading northward on Highway 1 there are almost continuous vistas of the ocean, including many opportunities for beach access. The day we were touring, a thick layer of white fluffy clouds was just offshore and had descended enough that tourists could stop at the coastal vistas and actually look down on the clouds.

Another 40 miles of spectacular views and we approached the Point Arena area, where we planned to spend the night. About a mile off the highway is the Arena Cove and perched on a hill overlooking the cove was the Coast Guard House Historic Inn, a popular bed-and-breakfast that figures prominently in this areas history.

The Coast Guard was preceded by the U.S. Life-saving Service which was established in the late 19th Century as a means of providing rescue to the many mariners who lost ships or got into trouble in the fog or on the stormy seas just off the point. In 1901, the Cape Code-style building now known as the Coast Guard House was built as a life-saving station -- a place for members of the Life-saving Service to live. Much like todays firehouses, the rescuers lived together and were available on short notice for emergencies. In those days, they rowed out to the stricken ships in long boats that seemed almost as hazardous as the ships they were rescuing.

Innkeeper Kevin Gallagher has turned this historic building into an especially charming inn that offers guests a choice between rooms in the main building or separate cottages just behind the building. We enjoyed a tiny, yet unique accommodation called the Flag Room which was ideal for a couple or single person. The room basically is a Queen bed, a private bathroom and a dining or reading area that includes a couch-like bench, table and three large windows overlooking the Arena Cove and the sea beyond. The bedroom area, while small, seems open because it also has a wall full of windows. Furnishings, floors -- everything in this room is upscale.

Judging from the conversation at the breakfast table, guests do find the inn to their liking. Over an elaborate Spanish-style omelet, fresh pastries, juice and coffee, we enjoyed meeting an extended family that had booked several rooms for their group as they toured California with family members from Israel. The guests who stayed in the cottages enjoyed their breakfast in their rooms. Like innkeepers at many bed-and-breakfast inns, Gallagher a Philadelphia native -- is a gracious and affable host who makes a point of getting to know each of his guests, whether at breakfast or while they are enjoying some quiet relaxation in the reading room.

The life-saving station helped, but there also was the need for a good, strong light beam to guide ships away from hazards. During the 1860s, ships carrying lumber past Point Arena would go aground almost weekly. So it was in 1866 that the government funded the Point Arena Lighthouse. While the original was damaged beyond repair in the 1906 earthquake, the replacement lighthouse stands to this day and is a popular stop just a couple miles north of the town of Point Arena.

Near the base of the Point Arena Lighthouse is a small museum and gift shop where visitors can spend a few minutes while they wait for the next tour to the top of the lighthouse. With more than a hundred steps, the stairs to the top can be challenging for older visitors, but the spiral staircase leads to a unique up-close look at the famous Fresnel lens a lens that makes the light visible 18 miles at sea. There are also great views of the coastline from the top, although the best photo opportunities are just a quarter-mile or so from the lighthouse where you can also look out on the rocks and tidepools.

Maybe the best place of all to view the rocky coastline is the Stornetta Public Lands, just a short walk on a trail located at the first bend in the road once you leave the lighthouse. For wide open beaches, there is no better place along here than Manchester State Park, with its dunes and scenic views of the Point Arena Lighthouse.


WHERE: This tour starts in Bodega, just a half hour drive from Petaluma, and there are fascinating coastal views and attractions all the way up to Point Arena and beyond. Further up the road is Mendocino, famous for its seaside landscapes and fine restaurants and lodgings.

WHAT: The Bodega to Point Arena drive is an easy half-day drive that is ideal for a weekend daytrip, or better yet, an overnight in Point Arena and return trip the next day.

WHEN: Year-round, although the weather along the coast can change quickly and be quite unpredictable.

WHY: The California coast is a national treasure, and it simply lifts the spirits to see what Mother Nature has given us along this gorgeous stretch of Highway 1.

HOW: For more information on the Coast Guard House Historic Inn, phone 707-882-2442 or visit

Dog Smell How To Stop The Foul Odor

Dog Smell How To Stop The Foul Odor

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If your dog smells, and you are thinking twice about even having your dog inside, then you definitely need to read this article. Your dog does produce a 'normal' odor, primarily through the variety of glands found in their skin, ears, and paws. But your dog can also have a serious and unpleasant smell, such as from skin infections, and other disorders. This article will show you the most common causes of dog odor, and how you can diagnose the cause of your dog's bad smell. I will then show you to most important natural options to quickly and easily stop your dog's foul odor.

The first thing that you need to do is diagnose exactly what is causing the dog odor. Start by properly examining your dog's mouth, and seeing if they have bad breath. Carefully look at the gums and teeth, looking for signs of gum recession, and tooth root abscess. This would require veterinary care. Some dogs with halitosis (bad breath), respond well to remedies for plaque; I have had particular success using a product called Plaque Off.

Ear infections are one of the more common causes of unpleasant dog odor, so you should thoroughly examine your dog's ears. Look at the outside of the ear ( the pinna) and closely look into the external ear canal. It should be clear, a light pink color, and free of any debris. Yeast infections are common in the ear, and they often produce a dark brown, waxy discharge. They respond well to cleaning with dilute Apple Cider Vinegar and water.

The anal glands are often implicated as a source of doggie odor, especially if the smell is 'fishy'. These are scent glands, which historically were important, yet now they are just a nuisance. The glands are normally expressed when your dog has a bowel movement, but can become impacted, and sometimes infected producing the strong smell. You can check your dog's glands, ( use a lubricated rubber glove), inserting your index finger in their anus, palpating the glands at 10 o clock ( on the left), and 2 o clock ( on the right). Apply firm pressure with your thumb and index finger to express the gland. Infected glands are generally weeping, open and very painful; they require veterinary care.

Skin disorders are the most common cause of recurring and strong dog odor; skin infections secondary to allergies is what is most often diagnosed. If your dog has a history of itching, or recurring ear infections, then they likely have some type of allergy. There are a variety of treatments for allergies, but I find it most important to stop the itching, and supplement to decrease inflammation. An antihistamine called Benadryl can be given a the dose of .5mg per lb - give it twice a day if needed. Vitamin C is a 'natural' antihistamine, that can be dosed at 100mg per 10lbs daily. High doses of essential fatty acids are critical, and the usual advised doses I find are too low. You should supplement your dog with either flax oil or fish oil, giving 1000mg per 10lbs daily. That equates to giving 1 tablespoon of flax per 50lbs daily.

Every dog with chronic dog odor problems, or ongoing allergies, should be on a hypoallergenic type dog food. I suggest that you feed your dog a food of simple ingredients, such as fish and sweet potato. Some clients have claimed that raw food was the answer to stopping the allergies and ending their dog's bad smell.

The last, but often most important step in treating your dog's odor problem is with proper bathing and shampoos. Often the smell is from secondary bacteria ( such as Staph), which overgrow in response to the allergy. Choose a medicated type shampoo that is designed to treat mild bacterial skin infections; I prefer ones that contain Sulfur and Salicylic acid. A holistic dog shampoo that can help is Tea Tree Oil & Aloe Vera Shampoo. Regardless, the key here is to wet your dog, lather them up and leave on their skin for 10 full minutes; use a clock. You must leave the shampoo on for a long enough period of time to be effective. After 10 minutes, thoroughly rinse. You can safely do this twice a week until the skin no longer smells.

Fear not- if your dog has a strong odor, there is a large number of things that you can do. Be systematic, carefully diagnosing the precise cause of the smell, and then following that up with veterinary care, or an appropriate remedy. If your dog has a skin infection, use some of the remedies I have discussed, in particular the shampoo, but doing it properly.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Does Your Vagina Get Loose At A Certain Age

Does Your Vagina Get Loose At A Certain Age

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Thinking about getting a tighter vagina can be something women of all ages are interested in. Is it true that more older women are trying to get help for the problem of a loose vagina? How to tighten your vagina is not an issue for only older women, but also for younger women.

While your vagina most likely will start to loosen more as you age, there are other reasons you vagina may become loose. If you are dealing with a loose vagina at a young age, you should not feel alone.

One of the most common reasons for vaginal looseness is because of menopause. When a woman goes through menopause, her body experiences many different changes. Menopause often causes the vagina to become less elastic. Since this is true, some women undergo hormone treatment.

Hormone treatment can be effective for helping to get a tighter vagina, but this is not always the case. Each woman has to see how her body is going to react to such a treatment. Using natural solutions to tighten the vagina is becoming a more popular option.

Many women looking to tighten their vagina have used vaginal exercises. These vaginal exercises are called Kegel exercises. These exercises were named after the doctor who created them. They are easy to do and considerably effective for some women, but it can take weeks or even months to begin to see noticeable results.

Women in search for faster results have been turning to surgical options to get the vagina of their dreams. This is known as a designer vagina. More women are going for a designer vagina than in the past. Many people believe this is due to the adult industry causing women to believe their vagina should look like one of the adult actresses.

Although your vagina may get looser at a certain age, there is no one age for every woman. No woman is going to have the same experience as another woman. Women should speak about their situation with their medical professional. They can get answers that pertain to their situation this way.

Speaking with a medical professional is always a good idea when you do not understand what is going on with your body. Once you understand what is going on, you will be able to determine the treatment which is best for you and your situation. Until then, you may try different remedies and never get the results you want.

Disadvantages Of Cochlear Implants

Disadvantages Of Cochlear Implants

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A cochlear implant is done for any person who has severe hearing loss, but there are also disadvantages of cochlear implants. The device is placed in the cochlear part of the ear by a simple surgery and this is the reason for the device being called as a cochlear implant. The cochlear implant is an electronic device that receives the sound waves from the environment and sends it to the brain.

There are various disadvantages that are associated with the cochlear implants. As a surgical procedure is used to implant the device, there are many risks associated with the surgery including infections and other surgical complications. There are some people who may have associated loss of facial muscle function. This happens because of the damage to the facial nerve during the surgery.

There are some people who start suffering from tinnitus after the cochlear implant surgery. Another risk of surgery is that there could be a complete loss of the ability to hear. The other major disadvantages of cochlear implants include the fact that there are some devices that can fail and there will be no benefit for the person who has undergone the surgery.

Some of the people who have had a surgery to get the implant placed can also suffer from problems like meningitis. The people who have had a cochlear implant should not indulge in certain activities like swimming. Even while showering, proper precautions need to be taken. This is a disadvantage too as the lifestyle of the individual is curbed to an extent.

Since the cochlear implant is an electronic one, the person who is using the device needs to be very careful and should avoid standing in areas where there could be a strong magnetic field present. If such a field is present, it can lead to the damage of the implant. Avoiding places where there could be a magnetic field is very important.

Another important disadvantage is that the external component of the cochlear implant may have to have the batteries changed at regular intervals. If the device runs on rechargeable batteries, then this problem can be overcome. Though there are many advantages of a cochlear implant, there are some disadvantages too. So, any person who is planning to have a cochlear implant done should calculate the risk reward ratio and then make an informed decision. This will help the person to overcome the disadvantages of cochlear implants.

Detail Description About Core Java Basics

Detail Description About Core Java Basics

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We can use java access modifiers with Classes as well as Class variables and methods.
We are allowed to use only public or default access modifiers with java classes.
1.If a class is public then we can access it from anywhere, i.e from any other class located in any other packages etc.
2.We can have only one public class in a source file and file name should be same as the public class name.
3.If the class has default access then it can be accessed only from other classes in the same package.
Java Access Modifiers with Class Member
We can have all the four access modifiers for class member variables and methods. However member access modifier rules get applied after the class level access rules. For example, if class is having default access then it will not be visible in other packages and hence methods and variables of the class will also be not visible.
Java Access Modifiers public keyword
If class member is public then it can be accessed from anywhere. The member variable or method is accessed globally. This is simplest way to provide access to class members, however we should take care in using this keyword with class variables otherwise anybody can change the values. Usually class variables are kept as private and getter-setter methods are provided to work with them.
Java Access Modifiers private keyword
If class member is private then it will be accessible only inside the same class. This is the most restricted access and the class member will not be visible to the outer world. Usually we keep class variables as private and methods that are intended to be used only inside the class as private.
Java Access Modifiers protected keyword
If class member is protected then it will be accessible only to the classes in the same package and to the subclasses. This modifier is less restricted from private but more restricted from public access. Usually we use this keyword to make sure the class variables are accessible only to the subclasses.
Java Access Modifiers default access
If class member doesnt have any access modifier specified, then its treated with default access. The access rules are similar as classes and the class member with default access will be accessible to the classes in the same package only. This access is more restricted than public and protected but less restricted than private.
Thats all for the java access modifiers, its simple to understand. Just dont confuse with default and protected access.
Easy way to remember is that default access is more restricted than protected and protected members are accessible in subclasses.
Java for loop
Java for loop is used to iterate over a range of values. We can use for loop to iterate over an array.
Java for loop
There are three types of for loop in java.
1.General for loop
2.for-each or enhanced for loop
3.Java For loop with label
4.variable initialization happens only once when for loop begins execution.
5.termination condition should result in boolean expression, if it returns false then for loop terminates.
6.increment/decrement operation is performed after each for loop execution. In most of the scenarios, it should lead towards the termination condition unless you want for loop to not terminate at all.
Java for each loop
Java for each loop is also called enhanced for loop. We can use for each loop to iterate over array or collection elements. Java for each loop is the recommended way wherever it's possible to use it. It's very easy and compact to write.
Java for loop with label
We can add a label to for loop, it's useful with break and continue statements to get out of outer loop. Note that by default break and continue statements work with inner loop only.
Java while loop
Java while loop is used to execute a block of statements continuously till the given condition is true.
Notice that I am increasing value of i inside while loop, otherwise the while loop will never terminate and we will have an infinite loop. The only way to terminate the program running in infinite loop is to manually quit it or when the JVM runs out of memory.
Also note that if boolean expression returns false then statements inside while loop won't execute. So there is a chance that statement inside while loop will never execute.
while true java
Sometimes we intentionally want our while loop to run infinitely. In that case we can use while true loop. An example could be looking for a file at specific location continuously and if found then process it.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Data Security Review What It Can Do For Your Organization

Data Security Review What It Can Do For Your Organization

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Any kind of business that has carried out security audit lexington ky will be pleased in the long-term it has taken the difficulty to get this done. A security analysis is vital when acquiring stock of current data holdings and today's state of security on all of them. Sometimes known as a "security health check", this technique aims not merely to catalogue all of the relevant assets, nevertheless likewise to evaluate the challenges to property, and the business effects of any kind of compromise.
The information resources possessed by a company represent highly useful intellectual property, plus they have to be carefully protected. That is true whether or not the data involved will not form part of the stock in trade: for instance, the business call directory site could be very helpful to an identified commercial secret agent or hacker. Therefore the question arises: what's a security assessment lexington ky and what did can it offer to the business owner?
To start with, the security review entails cataloguing all info possessions, and assessing the threats connected with everyone. The problems aren't only technological in character, although also require a proposal of the effect on the business if the asset had been to be jeopardized. This effect could possibly be framed when it comes to low income, interrupted business procedures, compromised staff and customer security, study work leaked into a competitor and hence lost, or results that aren't narrowly complex in form.
Another stage is definitely a "gap analysis", where the information security compares the existing reliability status of every advantage with the required position. This assessment will certainly form the foundation of future attempts to create an information security management program.
The information security review could be an interior or perhaps an external assessment. If it is interior, it is done by a great organizations personnel, and acts as a good first level along the way. If the review is external, it is done out by independent security audit lexington ky consultants with consultant expertise. An outside security review gets the benefit of being noticed to become in addition to the business, and therefore the effect is even more credible to companions, clients and everyone.
An information security review requires specialist skills seldom found in firms beyond the greatest organizations. Therefore, a business owner may decide to hire a professional offering Infrastructure as a Service lexington ky to handle the security health test. This implies that the audit will certainly be completed with maximum experience in the right time. The end result could be of extremely wonderful benefit for just about any business which has info assets to protect - that is to state, almost all businesses.
That is true for everybody who has a business with an internet portal of any sort. Whenever your day comes, are you ready? Have you taken the steps to safeguard your details? Perhaps you have secured your computer data against all but the most complicated hacks, and have you plans in place to recover if this attack succeeds?
If you are just like a shocking many business women and men I've talked to, you then might not has actually considered the benefit of security assessment lexington ky, and if you have not i urge you to take the right action.

Core Java Course Core Java Certification Institute Nettech India

Core Java Course  Core Java Certification Institute  Nettech India

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Nettech India located in Thane, Mumbai & Navi Mumbai, is one of the well-known institutes that provide Java training courses. The professionals associated with the institute are experts in their field providing immense knowledge to their students in learning Core Java and Advanced Java.

In this Java course you will learn all important aspects and methodologies that are required for Core Java, as the programming language. The core java training course is specially designed for the students who want to learn all aspects of this Java training program. If you want to excel your career in Java based technologies, then there is need of having immense knowledge for the programmers when writing code using Core Java only. After completing the core java training courses, you can explore new technologies in Java on your own. One successful completion of the Java training courses designed by NetTech India, students will be able to easily understand the Java based technology. Even the chance of getting job is very high as the Core Java course acts as the base for entire Java platform.

The structure of this core java training courses covers:

Java Basics

Define the scope of variables

Define the structure of a Java class

Create executable Java applications with a main method

Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code

Working With Java Data Types

Declare and initialize variables

Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables

Read or write to object fields

Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference" and garbage collection)

Call methods on objects

Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods

Creating and manipulating Strings

Using Operators and Decision Constructs :

Use Java operators

Use parenthesis to override operator precedence

Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()

Create if and if/else constructs

Use a switch statement

Creating and Using Arrays

Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array

Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional array

Declare and use an ArrayList

Using Loop Constructs:

Create and use while loops

Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop

Create and use do/while loops

Compare loop constructs

Use break and continue

Working with Methods and Encapsulation:

Create methods with arguments and return values

Apply the static keyword to methods and fields

Create an overloaded method

Differentiate between default and user defined constructors

Create and overload constructors

Apply access modifiers

Apply encapsulation principles to a class

Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the values

Working with Inheritance

Implement inheritance

Develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism

Differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object

Determine when casting is necessary

Use super and this to access objects and constructors

Use abstract classes and interfaces

Handling Exceptions

Differentiate among checked exceptions, Runtime Exceptions and Errors

Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow

Describe what Exceptions are used for in Java

Invoke a method that throws an exception

Recognize common exception classes and categories


Create and use the Thread class and the Runnable interface

Manage and control thread lifecycle

Synchronize thread access to shared data

Identify code that may not execute correctly in a multi-threaded environment.


Life Cycle of an Applet

The Applet CLASS

Invoking an Applet

Getting Applet Parameters

Specifying Applet Parameters

Generics and Collections:

Create a generic class

Use the diamond for type inference

Analyze the interoperability of collections that use raw types and generic types

Use wrapper classes, autoboxing and unboxing

Create and use List, Set and Deque implementations

Create and use Map implementations

Use java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable

Sort and search arrays and lists

Exploring Java Packages:




Coping with Divorce

Coping with Divorce

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A bad marriage can make parenting and life in general stressful. The loss of the family structure can be very upsetting and distressing for everyone involved in the major change.

Despite divorce being on the increase around the world, parents often feel at a loss when searching for practical support. They also feel overwhelmed, confused, afraid, resentful, or completely frozen in panic about how to handle the changes in their family's way of life.

Sometimes this fear manifests itself as animosity, which turns the whole divorce process into a battle, with children trapped in the middle and feeling powerless.

Divorce needn't be like this. Parents can make positive, healthy choices during this very emotional time and make the transition less painful for everyone.

Divorce isn't about winners and losers. It's about working out a way to handle the separation with dignity and compassion and minimising the disruption to your children emotionally. This article offers numerous approaches and strategies for making the experience of divorce as positive and healthy as possible.

Presenting a united front: Telling the kids

I've worked with many parents going through divorce and one of the main worries is how to tell their children about what is going to happen and what to actually say to them.

Children naturally fear that they'll lose one of their parents in divorce or that their parents will abandon them. They also fear the changes and disruptions that divorce inevitably brings to their family. Children often blame themselves.

When a marriage becomes troubled, a couple often relies on old habits of interacting, which lead to fights rather than solutions. If those old habits didn't lead to constructive solutions during the marriage, they'll surely reap no better results during the divorce. You may not have been a united front while married, but you and your partner must take this opportunity for the good of your children to work together.

The following sections cover various activities I lead parents through to help them and their children cope with divorce.

Critical question

One of the let things I ask parents to do is to work out together the answer to this critical question: What are the key messages you want to convey to your children? Consider:

- Your child's need to feel reassured that you will both always be his parents and be there to support, nurture, guide, and love him.

- Your child's need to express himself and his feelings this may include anger, silence, denial, bravado, or pleading.

- You need to weigh up whether each parent tells each child separately, or all together. If you can manage to speak to them together, this gives and opportunity for them to see that you're not blaming each other, that they don't have to take sides, and that you're both still there for them.

- Think about the sort of questions your children are likely to ask. Will we still see you and spend time with you?' Who will take us to football training?' Who will we live with and where will we live?' Will we have to change school?' Will we still see Grandma?' You need to explain that at the moment you don't have all the answers but reassure them that you'll have more clarity and answers soon and they don't need to worry.

From your child's perspective

I ask parents to place a piece of paper on the floor, step onto it, and imagine they're looking at the situation from the eyes of their child. I then ask them to answer the following questions as if they were the child:

- What do you see and hear around you at the moment? - How do you feel?

How could Mum and Dad make you feel better? What could they do or say?

Reassurances and guarantees

I ask parents to write seven reassurances and guarantees that they can honestly give to their child in a graphic wheel. The reassurances and guarantees are things that will help their child cope with the enormous changes that are coming.

Be honest don't hedge around the difficulties. Don't give false promises that you can't keep because you destroy their confidence and belief in you at a critical time in your relationship. Give them information but not too much give details of things in the not-too-distant future.

Working together

I also help divorcing parents develop some co-parenting strategies. For example:

- Plan and agree on what both parents will say before they talk to their children. This helps to avoid mixed messages, which can confuse and really distress children.

- Look at the benefits of telling the children together or individually.

- Work on overcoming the blame' mentally and the feeling that the divorce must be someone's fault. - Look for ways to avoid making children feel that they must take sides.

- Try to take the emotional charge out of telling the children

- Help each parent gain more control over his or her distressing feelings and emotions during this difficult moment.

I think it's helpful to remember that divorce changes but it does not end a family. Your children are now members of two families with all the positive experiences that this can also bring to their lives. It's about your positive and confident handling of the situation that will make all the difference.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Convert Anything You Can Read on the Computer into Editable Text with Screen OCR

Convert Anything You Can Read on the Computer into Editable Text with Screen OCR

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Screen OCR uses optical character recognizer technology to convert anything that you can read on the computer screen into editable text. This allows you to copy and edit text from locked documents including protected PDF files and much more. You can also use it to copy text from a program which otherwise doesn't provide the functionality allowing you to copy text. Screen OCR allows you to copy absolutely anything you want without restrictions. It also provides an automatic scrolling feature so that it can convert an entire document into editable text. Anything which is shown on the screen may be copied and converted; regardless of the program it is being displayed in. The only alternative is the extremely time-consuming task of typing out everything manually.

Screen OCR offers a great solution to anyone who works with text since it can literally save countless hours of time while still providing an exceptional degree of reliability. All text which you can see on the screen is recorded by Screen OCR with an outstanding level of accuracy, making it almost as effective as typing everything out again by hand without the enormous amount of time and effort involved. Regardless of whether the text is on a copy-protected web page, in the form of an image, a scanned document or anything else, Screen OCR will recognize the letters and copy them for you, allowing you to paste the now editable text into your favorite word processing program or other application. Screen OCR is an ideal solution for web designers, writers, interpreters, bloggers, journalists and pretty much anyone else who regularly works with text.

Screen OCR is also especially easy to use. No special knowledge is required and, as soon as you have installed the program, you can quickly figure out how to use it. The interface is presented in a user-friendly way and using the software is largely self-explanatory. When you start Screen OCR, you will first need to choose the selection mode. After this, you can then select the text on the screen which you want to copy and convert into an editable document. Screen OCR will read the text and convert it in a matter of seconds - the software is particularly fast and efficient. Selection modes available include a window selection, customize cursor capture, rectangular section and scrolling capture for situations where you want the program to automatically capture an entire document which cannot all be displayed on the screen at once.

Screen OCR recognizes text in any language, including those which have special characters and diacritics. The Cyrillic alphabet is also supported. Screen OCR can recognize any character sizes from 6 to 72 points making it ideal for reading text in any documents, webpages, emails and more.

The program is stable and reliable and it will run flawlessly on any Windows-based computer including both 32- and 64-bit systems.

Contraindications for Massage

Contraindications for Massage

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Being massage therapists, we usually tell people about the benefits a massage can give you. Nevertheless, there are instances where getting a massage is not the best treatment a person may need. They are usually called massage contraindications, meaning that a person may have a condition where a massage on a single part of the body or the whole body would not be beneficial to the individual.

Sometimes these contraindications can be so absolute that a massage is not appropriate at all. There may even be other conditions that the massage therapist should know about the negative side effects that the massage could cause but are contraindicated massage techniques even though modified massage applications can have very positive effects.

When a client partakes in his or her first interview, the therapist will ask pointed and specific questions about the client's health to deduce whether or not they have any contraindications. If that particular client is under strict care from a physician then the therapist should consult with the doctor before undergoing any massage treatment for the client.

Some of these major contraindications would be:

An Abnormal body temperature: if the potential client has a risen fever of about 37.5C, the massage should not be given. Mostly, fevers mean that a person body is trying to locate and dispose of an invading organism. The human body will activate its defensive measures so it can isolate and take of the ailment. A massage may halt or hinder this process.

Infectious and acute disease: Cliental that have contracted any infectious diseases like typhoid, influenza, or any other sort of severe cold should not be administered massage treatment. A client who receives a massage while they have an acute viral infection will only have their illness become more intense, also the therapist will then potentially exposed to the virus the person has.

Inflammation: This type of situation is very common. If an individual has some acute inflammation, a massage will only add to the irritation and further the spread of the inflammation. If you have sustained an injury in the past twenty-four hours like an ankle sprain or hurt something in your back, then you should submit yourself to the first aid principle of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

It is also advisable at this point to make a call to your doctor. Receiving a massage to an inflamed area will only cause you more harm.

(nb, you should apply ice in fifteen-minute intervals- homemade ice packs of ice cubes and a towel will work as well as a commercial one. You do not want to put the ice pack directly to the skin or let it sit on the area for long periods.)

Even though massaging directly on that are will be contraindicated, it may be very beneficial to a person to massage not on the area but around that area so that you can relax the muscles and prompting the body to naturally heal itself. After a person has had the inflammation subside after 72-96 hours, having a massage can dramatically help a person's mobility of joints as well as helping reduce scar tissue forming.

Varicose veins: When the valves of your veins have a break down it is due to backpressure causing the veins to stick out and bulge. You can usually see this happen in your legs because of gravity, this occurs when the legs or crossed or are put in other sitting positions that hinders blood circulating to your legs. Standing for a long time will also do this and add to it. Women in pregnancy can experience this from pressure on the veins of the pelvic region and can cause varicose veins.

Massage an area where varicose veins are present can cause a blood clot to be set loose in your body's circulatory system and renders the massage contraindicated.

Osteoporosis: This condition in its later stages can cause bones to become extremely brittle which can easily be broken or cracked. Before you start massaging a person afflicted with this condition it is advisable that the client speak with their doctor on this matter to see if this would worsen their condition or not.

High Blood Pressure: If you happen to have a client who has or has had high blood pressure, then that person's physician should be consulted before undergoing massage therapy. Massage therapy can actually help reduce some of the hypertension that usually accompanies high blood pressure. You will usually not have to worry about massaging a person with a low blood pressure but you will want to be careful since this can cause some clients to feel dizzy after the therapy because of a drop in their blood pressure

Other contraindications: There are a plethora of different contraindications for getting a massage. The guidelines for this are straightforward enough- you do not want your therapist administering the massage to worsen any medical condition you may have, and you do not want to give anything contagious to your massage therapist. If you happen to be unsure on this issue, consulting you doctor is strongly advised before getting a massage.

Other conditions can include:

1. Fracture, burns, or bleeding

2. Blood Clots

3. Opened sores or lesions

4. Systemic infections

5. Cancer

There have been cases with women during their period that have received massage therapy within the first few days of their menstruation noticing the flow of blood a lot heavier than normal.

There is some debate on the issue of massage therapy being contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy. Usually, if there are not any underlying medical problems and the pregnancy is moving, as it should without history of miscarriage, then receiving massage therapy from a professional is ok. Any doubts on this issue though should be taken up with your doctor.

Contract Management Process - Is It Actually Precious

Contract Management Process - Is It Actually Precious

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Is it true that you are attempting to expand the possibilities of your agreement? Is it accurate to say that you are attempting to parallel changes in organization innovation with contract plans? Can you identify with the timetable term, begin and end dates, amounts, and costs of your organization stock? Sufficiently genuine, the responses to these questions will give you the right thought with regards to coupling business hones with the right programming arrangement.

Huge, medium and little organizations make utilization of the best contract management process to adequately track their agreement costs, and to connect the same with a few contract segments. You require a brought together framework that can enhance administration straight and responsibility so it's suggested that you locate the right organization that can give this kind of framework.

Cloud-Based Contract Management Process

Distributed computing without a doubt makes some amazing progress from gossip to reality and this sort of programming has influenced numerous organizations all through the globe. Extending from hosted email arrangements, IT server to hosted to hosted programming, distributed computing elements are enabling numerous organizations to concentrate less on keeping up their registering power and in addition to focus more on center skills.

The utilization of contract management cloud benefits associations that have versatile or remote workforce. These representatives should be continually associated so they can assemble pertinent and dependable information for the utilization of the organization.

Cloud-Based Contract Management System

A noteworthy target inside a business is to verify that its commitments and duties to suppliers and clients are noticeable to the right people in the association. Thusly, such things will be followed up on quickly. You can without much of a stretch accomplish operational proficiency by method for cloud advancements. Furthermore, you can likewise utilize this exceptional contract management process keeping in mind the end goal to beat costs because of human blunder.

Keep in mind that the most industrious people make certain blunders. They can even overlook things and neglect to see vital points of interest. Regardless of to what extent you've been around here, human mistake is still likely so you need to make utilization of a more productive business arranging. Such errors can be countered given there is mechanization of planned business forms.

The best contract management software will guarantee that nothing would get lost in an outright flood. The automation essentially extends to contract administration, and this is a standout amongst the most noteworthy parts of the business procedure. While contract administration projects aren't going to give enough vital thinking or to finish diverse abnormal state works, as this can do general contract administration works without the danger of human blunder.

Another imperative thing about utilizing the agreement administration program is that it can trigger human activity at whatever point it's essential. The framework is considered as a basic cost-sparing instrument for any business to set up. You'll never need to manage genuine monetary outcomes because of lax human oversight of various contracts that they have gone into.

The standardized methods will diminish impromptu spending. However this, you'll likewise have the capacity to appreciate steady funds from your buys.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Considering Factors Of Lcd Brackets Installation

Considering Factors Of Lcd Brackets Installation

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As soon as a person buys a flat screen LCD television, he starts considering the various factors for the installation of the television to the wall. For this, there are available LCD brackets that help in the proper installation of the television to the wall. A properly installed television will not only provide a convenient viewing but also add up to the dcor of the room where the television is installed.

The following things are to be considered while mounting LCD brackets to the walls of your home:

Firstly, you have to consider the size of the television that you are buying. The Sony brackets wall mounting provides various types of LCD brackets that can be used in accordance with the size and the weight of the television that you are buying. You may mount a whole hardware system for installing the television set. The system may comprise of connectivity to multiple studs instead of a single one. This type of features are also found in the Sony brackets wall and are capable of providing support to bigger television.
Flat plasma television can be mounted on various types of walls. The installation of the LCD brackets is favorable in the walls with wood studding. However, in most of the cases there is a non-availability of the appropriate wall settings. It means that all the homes do not necessary contains the Sony brackets wall. In such a case, the television is installed on the concrete anchors or on the cinder block wall.
The third thing that is to be considered is the type of the LCD brackets. There are many types of wall mounts that you can choose from. The choice depends on the type of Sony brackets wall. The LCD brackets include the fixed wall mount, the arm mount, the motorized wall mount and the tilting mount. All these LCD brackets have special characteristics of their own and are unique in their own ways.
The cable management is another thing that is to be considered while mounting the LCD brackets. There are some people who want to install the moldings such that the wires are hidden inside the walls while there are some people who want to use casings that are the wall plates that hide the cluttered wires from public viewing. However, some companies provide cable management options along with the LCD brackets for Sony brackets wall installation.
The final consideration is where to install the television with the LCD brackets. The location of the room and also the environment of the room help in determining the position of the LCD brackets. There are good and durable brackets from the various renowned companies like in the case of Sony brackets wall installation that is the most convenient to use while you are considering the installation of the LCD brackets.

Remember the basic points of mounting the LCD brackets to the Sony brackets wall like the television should be mounted onto the wall at a certain height above the eye level for a more convenient viewing. A clean and perfect installation of the LCD brackets makes your television viewing an excellent experience.

Connect Your Old Linksys Router With New One

Connect Your Old Linksys Router With New One

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The article depicts how clients can interface their two Linksys routers to appreciate web get to. The strategies depicted here are basic and dependable. It is, be that as it may, emphatically exhorted that clients take after the directions painstakingly. This will in the long run spare them from confronting issues and calling up Linksys support for help.

Need assistance interconnecting 2 Linksys gadgets for web utilize? On the off chance that yes, at that point the article is for you. You might need to expand the scope of your network association with have web get to everywhere on your home or the territory you are in. The underneath said guide by Linksys support will enable you to play out the coveted undertaking individually and basically without the assistance of Linksys specialized help.


Interface your first switch (the one that you need to use as the main\server switch) to the PC utilizing an Ethernet link. Set up the switch in a legitimate way utilizing the correct links. Presently you have to arrange the existing router. To do as such, open your web program and sort '' (without cites and as seems to be) in the address bar. Hit the Enter catch on the console.

At the point when the switch's login screen comes up, type the administrator username and additionally secret word and hit the Login or Submit catch whatever you see there to continue. In the switch's interface, feature the tab and the tap on the Fundamental Settings sub tab. Note down the System Mode (blended, g, or b whatever is there), System Name (SSID), and other data on a bit of paper and guard it as it will be required in following stages.

Tap on the Security sub tab and afterward select Security Mode viz. WEP, WPA or WPA2. Pick pre-shared passkey and sort a secret key of your decision in the important documented. Note down this data on a bit of paper and keep it aside for additionally utilize. In case you are unable to get this data, you can contact Linksys support on the toll free number. Tap on the Spare Settings catch and leave the switch's Setup interface.

Presently interface the second switch (the one that should be spanned with the server switch) to the second PC utilizing an Ethernet link. Connect the power link to the electrical plug and boot the gadgets. At the point when the gadgets have booted, login to the switch's interface in the same previously mentioned form (check first and second steps for more data).

At the point when signed into the Linksys support utility, feature the Setup tab and after that tap on the Fundamental Setup sub tab. Under System Setup alongside System Address Server Settings (DHCP), snap to choose the Cripple catch to kill the DHCP include in this switch. Since the server gadget will utilize this component, it isn't required to have it empowered in the extension gadget.

Feature this tab and afterward hit the Fundamental Settings sub tab. Tap on the dropdown menu by System Mode and select Customer Scaffold. Match the settings on this tab to the settings in the server switch. Presently tap on the Security tab and guarantee that all the setting match with those in the server gadget.

Feature the Status tab and after that select the (sub tab). Hit the Site review fasten to bring the Site Study discourse box. It will show the rundown of all the systems it could discover in the territory. Find your system and afterward tap on the Join catch. Presently open your web program and check whether you can associate with the web or not. On the off chance that you can't, at that point survey and match your settings precisely connect with Linksys support and get instant support.

Computers and Reading Using Computers to Teach Children to Learn to Read

Computers and Reading Using Computers to Teach Children to Learn to Read

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In the last decade or so, computers became omnipresent within most traditional school classrooms. Yet, even as school districts dedicated an increasing amount of their technology capital to funding classroom computers, educators wondered how to use this new technology to teach. Teachers already had books, visual aids, and tactile materials specially designed to teach students all they needed to know about just about everything. What good was this new technology that promised to help teach an expanded curriculum to children that already had everything they needed to learn?

The reality is that computers have opened a whole new world to students, both at home and in the classroom. When the personal computer was merely a word-processing box, there were opportunities to teach students limited reading and writing skills, but no real offer of an exciting new way to teach subjects such as science, social studies, and, above all, reading.

With the explosion of the personal computer into an advanced world of enhanced graphics and increasingly complex programs, the computer became more than a black screen with white words and a blinking cursor. Computers became true interactive tools for educators to use to stimulate the imaginations of their students. And, as computer software developers forayed into more than word processing and financial programs, games turned into age-specific programs, and age-specific programs morphed into educational opportunities.

Certainly, one complaint from parents as computer software matured from mere video game clones into real educational offerings, was that their children were spending far too much time in front of the computer. After all, there is little to be pleased about when a child trades his Nintendo for computer pinball or her Atari for a Barbie paper doll creativity program. But, most experts agree that computer software developers really stepped up to the plate when designing programs that not only presented children with real learning opportunities, but that appealed to a wide variety of interests at the same time. Now, many parents are actually pleased when their children want to use the computer.

Computer Software that Can Teach Children to Learn to Read

Relatively early on in the learning software game, developers worked to present learners with basic computer programs that focused heavily on A,B,C's and 1,2,3's. Early programs presented even preschool learners with simple reading programs based on traditional reading materials such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Cinderella, and the Dr. Seuss books. Later programs learned to focus on specific reading skills.

Today's computer software programs incorporate reading into a variety of learning media and subject area content. Just as educators have traditionally used different subject areas to help teach reading and vice versa, computer software has grown to the point where programs present children of all ages with multi-pronged combinations of reading activities across subject areas in order to facilitate and enhance learning. Just as computer games adapted play to the skill level of the user some years ago, so too do sophisticated modern reading programs adjust to the capabilities and needs of the individual student. These new "learning" programs are so engrossing that students often tend to view them as "games." Now, even well-thought out computer games can be excellent supplemental learning opportunities for moderate and established readers.

Careful software purchasing decisions by parents, coupled with flexible allocation of computer time devoted to instruction vs entertainment can maintain at a high level their children's interest and enthusiasm for both kinds of program.

How Can I Listen To Someone's Cell Phone Calls

Image source: If you've ever wondered how to listen to someone's...